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* marked - a markdown parser\n * Copyright (c) 2011-2020, Christopher Jeffrey. (MIT Licensed)\n * https://github.com/markedjs/marked\n */\n\n/**\n * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE\n * The code in this file is generated from files in ./src/\n */\n\n(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :\n (global = global || self, global.marked = factory());\n}(this, (function () { 'use strict';\n\n function _defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n }\n\n function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {\n \treturn module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;\n }\n\n var defaults = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {\n function getDefaults() {\n return {\n baseUrl: null,\n breaks: false,\n gfm: true,\n headerIds: true,\n headerPrefix: '',\n highlight: null,\n langPrefix: 'language-',\n mangle: true,\n pedantic: false,\n renderer: null,\n sanitize: false,\n sanitizer: null,\n silent: false,\n smartLists: false,\n smartypants: false,\n xhtml: false\n };\n }\n\n function changeDefaults(newDefaults) {\n module.exports.defaults = newDefaults;\n }\n\n module.exports = {\n defaults: getDefaults(),\n getDefaults: getDefaults,\n changeDefaults: changeDefaults\n };\n });\n var defaults_1 = defaults.defaults;\n var defaults_2 = defaults.getDefaults;\n var defaults_3 = defaults.changeDefaults;\n\n /**\n * Helpers\n */\n var escapeTest = /[&<>\"']/;\n var escapeReplace = /[&<>\"']/g;\n var escapeTestNoEncode = /[<>\"']|&(?!#?\\w+;)/;\n var escapeReplaceNoEncode = /[<>\"']|&(?!#?\\w+;)/g;\n var escapeReplacements = {\n '&': '&',\n '<': '<',\n '>': '>',\n '\"': '"',\n \"'\": '''\n };\n\n var getEscapeReplacement = function getEscapeReplacement(ch) {\n return escapeReplacements[ch];\n };\n\n function escape(html, encode) {\n if (encode) {\n if (escapeTest.test(html)) {\n return html.replace(escapeReplace, getEscapeReplacement);\n }\n } else {\n if (escapeTestNoEncode.test(html)) {\n return html.replace(escapeReplaceNoEncode, getEscapeReplacement);\n }\n }\n\n return html;\n }\n\n var unescapeTest = /&(#(?:\\d+)|(?:#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(?:\\w+));?/ig;\n\n function unescape(html) {\n // explicitly match decimal, hex, and named HTML entities\n return html.replace(unescapeTest, function (_, n) {\n n = n.toLowerCase();\n if (n === 'colon') return ':';\n\n if (n.charAt(0) === '#') {\n return n.charAt(1) === 'x' ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n.substring(2), 16)) : String.fromCharCode(+n.substring(1));\n }\n\n return '';\n });\n }\n\n var caret = /(^|[^\\[])\\^/g;\n\n function edit(regex, opt) {\n regex = regex.source || regex;\n opt = opt || '';\n var obj = {\n replace: function replace(name, val) {\n val = val.source || val;\n val = val.replace(caret, '$1');\n regex = regex.replace(name, val);\n return obj;\n },\n getRegex: function getRegex() {\n return new RegExp(regex, opt);\n }\n };\n return obj;\n }\n\n var nonWordAndColonTest = /[^\\w:]/g;\n var originIndependentUrl = /^$|^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|^[?#]/i;\n\n function cleanUrl(sanitize, base, href) {\n if (sanitize) {\n var prot;\n\n try {\n prot = decodeURIComponent(unescape(href)).replace(nonWordAndColonTest, '').toLowerCase();\n } catch (e) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (prot.indexOf('javascript:') === 0 || prot.indexOf('vbscript:') === 0 || prot.indexOf('data:') === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n if (base && !originIndependentUrl.test(href)) {\n href = resolveUrl(base, href);\n }\n\n try {\n href = encodeURI(href).replace(/%25/g, '%');\n } catch (e) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return href;\n }\n\n var baseUrls = {};\n var justDomain = /^[^:]+:\\/*[^/]*$/;\n var protocol = /^([^:]+:)[\\s\\S]*$/;\n var domain = /^([^:]+:\\/*[^/]*)[\\s\\S]*$/;\n\n function resolveUrl(base, href) {\n if (!baseUrls[' ' + base]) {\n // we can ignore everything in base after the last slash of its path component,\n // but we might need to add _that_\n // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3\n if (justDomain.test(base)) {\n baseUrls[' ' + base] = base + '/';\n } else {\n baseUrls[' ' + base] = rtrim(base, '/', true);\n }\n }\n\n base = baseUrls[' ' + base];\n var relativeBase = base.indexOf(':') === -1;\n\n if (href.substring(0, 2) === '//') {\n if (relativeBase) {\n return href;\n }\n\n return base.replace(protocol, '$1') + href;\n } else if (href.charAt(0) === '/') {\n if (relativeBase) {\n return href;\n }\n\n return base.replace(domain, '$1') + href;\n } else {\n return base + href;\n }\n }\n\n var noopTest = {\n exec: function noopTest() {}\n };\n\n function merge(obj) {\n var i = 1,\n target,\n key;\n\n for (; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n target = arguments[i];\n\n for (key in target) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, key)) {\n obj[key] = target[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return obj;\n }\n\n function splitCells(tableRow, count) {\n // ensure that every cell-delimiting pipe has a space\n // before it to distinguish it from an escaped pipe\n var row = tableRow.replace(/\\|/g, function (match, offset, str) {\n var escaped = false,\n curr = offset;\n\n while (--curr >= 0 && str[curr] === '\\\\') {\n escaped = !escaped;\n }\n\n if (escaped) {\n // odd number of slashes means | is escaped\n // so we leave it alone\n return '|';\n } else {\n // add space before unescaped |\n return ' |';\n }\n }),\n cells = row.split(/ \\|/);\n var i = 0;\n\n if (cells.length > count) {\n cells.splice(count);\n } else {\n while (cells.length < count) {\n cells.push('');\n }\n }\n\n for (; i < cells.length; i++) {\n // leading or trailing whitespace is ignored per the gfm spec\n cells[i] = cells[i].trim().replace(/\\\\\\|/g, '|');\n }\n\n return cells;\n } // Remove trailing 'c's. Equivalent to str.replace(/c*$/, '').\n // /c*$/ is vulnerable to REDOS.\n // invert: Remove suffix of non-c chars instead. Default falsey.\n\n\n function rtrim(str, c, invert) {\n var l = str.length;\n\n if (l === 0) {\n return '';\n } // Length of suffix matching the invert condition.\n\n\n var suffLen = 0; // Step left until we fail to match the invert condition.\n\n while (suffLen < l) {\n var currChar = str.charAt(l - suffLen - 1);\n\n if (currChar === c && !invert) {\n suffLen++;\n } else if (currChar !== c && invert) {\n suffLen++;\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return str.substr(0, l - suffLen);\n }\n\n function findClosingBracket(str, b) {\n if (str.indexOf(b[1]) === -1) {\n return -1;\n }\n\n var l = str.length;\n var level = 0,\n i = 0;\n\n for (; i < l; i++) {\n if (str[i] === '\\\\') {\n i++;\n } else if (str[i] === b[0]) {\n level++;\n } else if (str[i] === b[1]) {\n level--;\n\n if (level < 0) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return -1;\n }\n\n function checkSanitizeDeprecation(opt) {\n if (opt && opt.sanitize && !opt.silent) {\n console.warn('marked(): sanitize and sanitizer parameters are deprecated since version 0.7.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Read more here: https://marked.js.org/#/USING_ADVANCED.md#options');\n }\n }\n\n var helpers = {\n escape: escape,\n unescape: unescape,\n edit: edit,\n cleanUrl: cleanUrl,\n resolveUrl: resolveUrl,\n noopTest: noopTest,\n merge: merge,\n splitCells: splitCells,\n rtrim: rtrim,\n findClosingBracket: findClosingBracket,\n checkSanitizeDeprecation: checkSanitizeDeprecation\n };\n\n var noopTest$1 = helpers.noopTest,\n edit$1 = helpers.edit,\n merge$1 = helpers.merge;\n /**\n * Block-Level Grammar\n */\n\n var block = {\n newline: /^\\n+/,\n code: /^( {4}[^\\n]+\\n*)+/,\n fences: /^ {0,3}(`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})([^\\n]*)\\n(?:|([\\s\\S]*?)\\n)(?: {0,3}\\1[~`]* *(?:\\n+|$)|$)/,\n hr: /^ {0,3}((?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\* *){3,})(?:\\n+|$)/,\n heading: /^ {0,3}(#{1,6}) +([^\\n]*?)(?: +#+)? *(?:\\n+|$)/,\n blockquote: /^( {0,3}> ?(paragraph|[^\\n]*)(?:\\n|$))+/,\n list: /^( {0,3})(bull) [\\s\\S]+?(?:hr|def|\\n{2,}(?! )(?!\\1bull )\\n*|\\s*$)/,\n html: '^ {0,3}(?:' // optional indentation\n + '<(script|pre|style)[\\\\s>][\\\\s\\\\S]*?(?:[^\\\\n]*\\\\n+|$)' // (1)\n + '|comment[^\\\\n]*(\\\\n+|$)' // (2)\n + '|<\\\\?[\\\\s\\\\S]*?\\\\?>\\\\n*' // (3)\n + '|\\\\n*' // (4)\n + '|\\\\n*' // (5)\n + '|)[\\\\s\\\\S]*?(?:\\\\n{2,}|$)' // (6)\n + '|<(?!script|pre|style)([a-z][\\\\w-]*)(?:attribute)*? */?>(?=[ \\\\t]*(?:\\\\n|$))[\\\\s\\\\S]*?(?:\\\\n{2,}|$)' // (7) open tag\n + '|(?=[ \\\\t]*(?:\\\\n|$))[\\\\s\\\\S]*?(?:\\\\n{2,}|$)' // (7) closing tag\n + ')',\n def: /^ {0,3}\\[(label)\\]: *\\n? *]+)>?(?:(?: +\\n? *| *\\n *)(title))? *(?:\\n+|$)/,\n nptable: noopTest$1,\n table: noopTest$1,\n lheading: /^([^\\n]+)\\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\\n+|$)/,\n // regex template, placeholders will be replaced according to different paragraph\n // interruption rules of commonmark and the original markdown spec:\n _paragraph: /^([^\\n]+(?:\\n(?!hr|heading|lheading|blockquote|fences|list|html)[^\\n]+)*)/,\n text: /^[^\\n]+/\n };\n block._label = /(?!\\s*\\])(?:\\\\[\\[\\]]|[^\\[\\]])+/;\n block._title = /(?:\"(?:\\\\\"?|[^\"\\\\])*\"|'[^'\\n]*(?:\\n[^'\\n]+)*\\n?'|\\([^()]*\\))/;\n block.def = edit$1(block.def).replace('label', block._label).replace('title', block._title).getRegex();\n block.bullet = /(?:[*+-]|\\d{1,9}\\.)/;\n block.item = /^( *)(bull) ?[^\\n]*(?:\\n(?!\\1bull ?)[^\\n]*)*/;\n block.item = edit$1(block.item, 'gm').replace(/bull/g, block.bullet).getRegex();\n block.list = edit$1(block.list).replace(/bull/g, block.bullet).replace('hr', '\\\\n+(?=\\\\1?(?:(?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\\\* *){3,})(?:\\\\n+|$))').replace('def', '\\\\n+(?=' + block.def.source + ')').getRegex();\n block._tag = 'address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|caption' + '|center|col|colgroup|dd|details|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption' + '|figure|footer|form|frame|frameset|h[1-6]|head|header|hr|html|iframe' + '|legend|li|link|main|menu|menuitem|meta|nav|noframes|ol|optgroup|option' + '|p|param|section|source|summary|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr' + '|track|ul';\n block._comment = //;\n block.html = edit$1(block.html, 'i').replace('comment', block._comment).replace('tag', block._tag).replace('attribute', / +[a-zA-Z:_][\\w.:-]*(?: *= *\"[^\"\\n]*\"| *= *'[^'\\n]*'| *= *[^\\s\"'=<>`]+)?/).getRegex();\n block.paragraph = edit$1(block._paragraph).replace('hr', block.hr).replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ').replace('|lheading', '') // setex headings don't interrupt commonmark paragraphs\n .replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>').replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\\\n]*\\\\n)|~{3,})[^\\\\n]*\\\\n').replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt\n .replace('html', ')|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)').replace('tag', block._tag) // pars can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks\n .getRegex();\n block.blockquote = edit$1(block.blockquote).replace('paragraph', block.paragraph).getRegex();\n /**\n * Normal Block Grammar\n */\n\n block.normal = merge$1({}, block);\n /**\n * GFM Block Grammar\n */\n\n block.gfm = merge$1({}, block.normal, {\n nptable: '^ *([^|\\\\n ].*\\\\|.*)\\\\n' // Header\n + ' *([-:]+ *\\\\|[-| :]*)' // Align\n + '(?:\\\\n((?:(?!\\\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\\\n|$))*)\\\\n*|$)',\n // Cells\n table: '^ *\\\\|(.+)\\\\n' // Header\n + ' *\\\\|?( *[-:]+[-| :]*)' // Align\n + '(?:\\\\n *((?:(?!\\\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\\\n|$))*)\\\\n*|$)' // Cells\n\n });\n block.gfm.nptable = edit$1(block.gfm.nptable).replace('hr', block.hr).replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ').replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>').replace('code', ' {4}[^\\\\n]').replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\\\n]*\\\\n)|~{3,})[^\\\\n]*\\\\n').replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt\n .replace('html', ')|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)').replace('tag', block._tag) // tables can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks\n .getRegex();\n block.gfm.table = edit$1(block.gfm.table).replace('hr', block.hr).replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ').replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>').replace('code', ' {4}[^\\\\n]').replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\\\n]*\\\\n)|~{3,})[^\\\\n]*\\\\n').replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt\n .replace('html', ')|<(?:script|pre|style|!--)').replace('tag', block._tag) // tables can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks\n .getRegex();\n /**\n * Pedantic grammar (original John Gruber's loose markdown specification)\n */\n\n block.pedantic = merge$1({}, block.normal, {\n html: edit$1('^ *(?:comment *(?:\\\\n|\\\\s*$)' + '|<(tag)[\\\\s\\\\S]+? *(?:\\\\n{2,}|\\\\s*$)' // closed tag\n + '|\\\\s]*)*?/?> *(?:\\\\n{2,}|\\\\s*$))').replace('comment', block._comment).replace(/tag/g, '(?!(?:' + 'a|em|strong|small|s|cite|q|dfn|abbr|data|time|code|var|samp|kbd|sub' + '|sup|i|b|u|mark|ruby|rt|rp|bdi|bdo|span|br|wbr|ins|del|img)' + '\\\\b)\\\\w+(?!:|[^\\\\w\\\\s@]*@)\\\\b').getRegex(),\n def: /^ *\\[([^\\]]+)\\]: *]+)>?(?: +([\"(][^\\n]+[\")]))? *(?:\\n+|$)/,\n heading: /^ *(#{1,6}) *([^\\n]+?) *(?:#+ *)?(?:\\n+|$)/,\n fences: noopTest$1,\n // fences not supported\n paragraph: edit$1(block.normal._paragraph).replace('hr', block.hr).replace('heading', ' *#{1,6} *[^\\n]').replace('lheading', block.lheading).replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>').replace('|fences', '').replace('|list', '').replace('|html', '').getRegex()\n });\n /**\n * Inline-Level Grammar\n */\n\n var inline = {\n escape: /^\\\\([!\"#$%&'()*+,\\-./:;<=>?@\\[\\]\\\\^_`{|}~])/,\n autolink: /^<(scheme:[^\\s\\x00-\\x1f<>]*|email)>/,\n url: noopTest$1,\n tag: '^comment' + '|^' // self-closing tag\n + '|^<[a-zA-Z][\\\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\\\s*/?>' // open tag\n + '|^<\\\\?[\\\\s\\\\S]*?\\\\?>' // processing instruction, e.g. \n + '|^' // declaration, e.g. \n + '|^',\n // CDATA section\n link: /^!?\\[(label)\\]\\(\\s*(href)(?:\\s+(title))?\\s*\\)/,\n reflink: /^!?\\[(label)\\]\\[(?!\\s*\\])((?:\\\\[\\[\\]]?|[^\\[\\]\\\\])+)\\]/,\n nolink: /^!?\\[(?!\\s*\\])((?:\\[[^\\[\\]]*\\]|\\\\[\\[\\]]|[^\\[\\]])*)\\](?:\\[\\])?/,\n strong: /^__([^\\s_])__(?!_)|^\\*\\*([^\\s*])\\*\\*(?!\\*)|^__([^\\s][\\s\\S]*?[^\\s])__(?!_)|^\\*\\*([^\\s][\\s\\S]*?[^\\s])\\*\\*(?!\\*)/,\n em: /^_([^\\s_])_(?!_)|^\\*([^\\s*<\\[])\\*(?!\\*)|^_([^\\s<][\\s\\S]*?[^\\s_])_(?!_|[^\\spunctuation])|^_([^\\s_<][\\s\\S]*?[^\\s])_(?!_|[^\\spunctuation])|^\\*([^\\s<\"][\\s\\S]*?[^\\s\\*])\\*(?!\\*|[^\\spunctuation])|^\\*([^\\s*\"<\\[][\\s\\S]*?[^\\s])\\*(?!\\*)/,\n code: /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\\s\\S]*?[^`])\\1(?!`)/,\n br: /^( {2,}|\\\\)\\n(?!\\s*$)/,\n del: noopTest$1,\n text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?=[\\\\?@\\\\[^_{|}~';\n inline.em = edit$1(inline.em).replace(/punctuation/g, inline._punctuation).getRegex();\n inline._escapes = /\\\\([!\"#$%&'()*+,\\-./:;<=>?@\\[\\]\\\\^_`{|}~])/g;\n inline._scheme = /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/;\n inline._email = /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/;\n inline.autolink = edit$1(inline.autolink).replace('scheme', inline._scheme).replace('email', inline._email).getRegex();\n inline._attribute = /\\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\\w.:-]*(?:\\s*=\\s*\"[^\"]*\"|\\s*=\\s*'[^']*'|\\s*=\\s*[^\\s\"'=<>`]+)?/;\n inline.tag = edit$1(inline.tag).replace('comment', block._comment).replace('attribute', inline._attribute).getRegex();\n inline._label = /(?:\\[[^\\[\\]]*\\]|\\\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\\[\\]\\\\`])*?/;\n inline._href = /<(?:\\\\[<>]?|[^\\s<>\\\\])*>|[^\\s\\x00-\\x1f]*/;\n inline._title = /\"(?:\\\\\"?|[^\"\\\\])*\"|'(?:\\\\'?|[^'\\\\])*'|\\((?:\\\\\\)?|[^)\\\\])*\\)/;\n inline.link = edit$1(inline.link).replace('label', inline._label).replace('href', inline._href).replace('title', inline._title).getRegex();\n inline.reflink = edit$1(inline.reflink).replace('label', inline._label).getRegex();\n /**\n * Normal Inline Grammar\n */\n\n inline.normal = merge$1({}, inline);\n /**\n * Pedantic Inline Grammar\n */\n\n inline.pedantic = merge$1({}, inline.normal, {\n strong: /^__(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)__(?!_)|^\\*\\*(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)\\*\\*(?!\\*)/,\n em: /^_(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)_(?!_)|^\\*(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)\\*(?!\\*)/,\n link: edit$1(/^!?\\[(label)\\]\\((.*?)\\)/).replace('label', inline._label).getRegex(),\n reflink: edit$1(/^!?\\[(label)\\]\\s*\\[([^\\]]*)\\]/).replace('label', inline._label).getRegex()\n });\n /**\n * GFM Inline Grammar\n */\n\n inline.gfm = merge$1({}, inline.normal, {\n escape: edit$1(inline.escape).replace('])', '~|])').getRegex(),\n _extended_email: /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/,\n url: /^((?:ftp|https?):\\/\\/|www\\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.?)+[^\\s<]*|^email/,\n _backpedal: /(?:[^?!.,:;*_~()&]+|\\([^)]*\\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_~)]+(?!$))+/,\n del: /^~+(?=\\S)([\\s\\S]*?\\S)~+/,\n text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?=[\\\\ 1) {\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'space'\n });\n }\n } // code\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.code.exec(src)) {\n var lastToken = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1];\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length); // An indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph.\n\n if (lastToken && lastToken.type === 'paragraph') {\n lastToken.text += '\\n' + cap[0].trimRight();\n } else {\n cap = cap[0].replace(/^ {4}/gm, '');\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'code',\n codeBlockStyle: 'indented',\n text: !this.options.pedantic ? rtrim$1(cap, '\\n') : cap\n });\n }\n\n continue;\n } // fences\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.fences.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'code',\n lang: cap[2] ? cap[2].trim() : cap[2],\n text: cap[3] || ''\n });\n continue;\n } // heading\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.heading.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'heading',\n depth: cap[1].length,\n text: cap[2]\n });\n continue;\n } // table no leading pipe (gfm)\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.nptable.exec(src)) {\n item = {\n type: 'table',\n header: splitCells$1(cap[1].replace(/^ *| *\\| *$/g, '')),\n align: cap[2].replace(/^ *|\\| *$/g, '').split(/ *\\| */),\n cells: cap[3] ? cap[3].replace(/\\n$/, '').split('\\n') : []\n };\n\n if (item.header.length === item.align.length) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n\n for (i = 0; i < item.align.length; i++) {\n if (/^ *-+: *$/.test(item.align[i])) {\n item.align[i] = 'right';\n } else if (/^ *:-+: *$/.test(item.align[i])) {\n item.align[i] = 'center';\n } else if (/^ *:-+ *$/.test(item.align[i])) {\n item.align[i] = 'left';\n } else {\n item.align[i] = null;\n }\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < item.cells.length; i++) {\n item.cells[i] = splitCells$1(item.cells[i], item.header.length);\n }\n\n this.tokens.push(item);\n continue;\n }\n } // hr\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.hr.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'hr'\n });\n continue;\n } // blockquote\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.blockquote.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'blockquote_start'\n });\n cap = cap[0].replace(/^ *> ?/gm, ''); // Pass `top` to keep the current\n // \"toplevel\" state. This is exactly\n // how markdown.pl works.\n\n this.token(cap, top);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'blockquote_end'\n });\n continue;\n } // list\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.list.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n bull = cap[2];\n isordered = bull.length > 1;\n listStart = {\n type: 'list_start',\n ordered: isordered,\n start: isordered ? +bull : '',\n loose: false\n };\n this.tokens.push(listStart); // Get each top-level item.\n\n cap = cap[0].match(this.rules.item);\n listItems = [];\n next = false;\n l = cap.length;\n i = 0;\n\n for (; i < l; i++) {\n item = cap[i]; // Remove the list item's bullet\n // so it is seen as the next token.\n\n space = item.length;\n item = item.replace(/^ *([*+-]|\\d+\\.) */, ''); // Outdent whatever the\n // list item contains. Hacky.\n\n if (~item.indexOf('\\n ')) {\n space -= item.length;\n item = !this.options.pedantic ? item.replace(new RegExp('^ {1,' + space + '}', 'gm'), '') : item.replace(/^ {1,4}/gm, '');\n } // Determine whether the next list item belongs here.\n // Backpedal if it does not belong in this list.\n\n\n if (i !== l - 1) {\n b = block$1.bullet.exec(cap[i + 1])[0];\n\n if (bull.length > 1 ? b.length === 1 : b.length > 1 || this.options.smartLists && b !== bull) {\n src = cap.slice(i + 1).join('\\n') + src;\n i = l - 1;\n }\n } // Determine whether item is loose or not.\n // Use: /(^|\\n)(?! )[^\\n]+\\n\\n(?!\\s*$)/\n // for discount behavior.\n\n\n loose = next || /\\n\\n(?!\\s*$)/.test(item);\n\n if (i !== l - 1) {\n next = item.charAt(item.length - 1) === '\\n';\n if (!loose) loose = next;\n }\n\n if (loose) {\n listStart.loose = true;\n } // Check for task list items\n\n\n istask = /^\\[[ xX]\\] /.test(item);\n ischecked = undefined;\n\n if (istask) {\n ischecked = item[1] !== ' ';\n item = item.replace(/^\\[[ xX]\\] +/, '');\n }\n\n t = {\n type: 'list_item_start',\n task: istask,\n checked: ischecked,\n loose: loose\n };\n listItems.push(t);\n this.tokens.push(t); // Recurse.\n\n this.token(item, false);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'list_item_end'\n });\n }\n\n if (listStart.loose) {\n l = listItems.length;\n i = 0;\n\n for (; i < l; i++) {\n listItems[i].loose = true;\n }\n }\n\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'list_end'\n });\n continue;\n } // html\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.html.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: this.options.sanitize ? 'paragraph' : 'html',\n pre: !this.options.sanitizer && (cap[1] === 'pre' || cap[1] === 'script' || cap[1] === 'style'),\n text: this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(cap[0]) : escape$1(cap[0]) : cap[0]\n });\n continue;\n } // def\n\n\n if (top && (cap = this.rules.def.exec(src))) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n if (cap[3]) cap[3] = cap[3].substring(1, cap[3].length - 1);\n tag = cap[1].toLowerCase().replace(/\\s+/g, ' ');\n\n if (!this.tokens.links[tag]) {\n this.tokens.links[tag] = {\n href: cap[2],\n title: cap[3]\n };\n }\n\n continue;\n } // table (gfm)\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.table.exec(src)) {\n item = {\n type: 'table',\n header: splitCells$1(cap[1].replace(/^ *| *\\| *$/g, '')),\n align: cap[2].replace(/^ *|\\| *$/g, '').split(/ *\\| */),\n cells: cap[3] ? cap[3].replace(/\\n$/, '').split('\\n') : []\n };\n\n if (item.header.length === item.align.length) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n\n for (i = 0; i < item.align.length; i++) {\n if (/^ *-+: *$/.test(item.align[i])) {\n item.align[i] = 'right';\n } else if (/^ *:-+: *$/.test(item.align[i])) {\n item.align[i] = 'center';\n } else if (/^ *:-+ *$/.test(item.align[i])) {\n item.align[i] = 'left';\n } else {\n item.align[i] = null;\n }\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < item.cells.length; i++) {\n item.cells[i] = splitCells$1(item.cells[i].replace(/^ *\\| *| *\\| *$/g, ''), item.header.length);\n }\n\n this.tokens.push(item);\n continue;\n }\n } // lheading\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.lheading.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'heading',\n depth: cap[2].charAt(0) === '=' ? 1 : 2,\n text: cap[1]\n });\n continue;\n } // top-level paragraph\n\n\n if (top && (cap = this.rules.paragraph.exec(src))) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'paragraph',\n text: cap[1].charAt(cap[1].length - 1) === '\\n' ? cap[1].slice(0, -1) : cap[1]\n });\n continue;\n } // text\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.text.exec(src)) {\n // Top-level should never reach here.\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'text',\n text: cap[0]\n });\n continue;\n }\n\n if (src) {\n throw new Error('Infinite loop on byte: ' + src.charCodeAt(0));\n }\n }\n\n return this.tokens;\n };\n\n _createClass(Lexer, null, [{\n key: \"rules\",\n get: function get() {\n return block$1;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Lexer;\n }();\n\n var defaults$2 = defaults.defaults;\n var cleanUrl$1 = helpers.cleanUrl,\n escape$2 = helpers.escape;\n /**\n * Renderer\n */\n\n var Renderer_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Renderer(options) {\n this.options = options || defaults$2;\n }\n\n var _proto = Renderer.prototype;\n\n _proto.code = function code(_code, infostring, escaped) {\n var lang = (infostring || '').match(/\\S*/)[0];\n\n if (this.options.highlight) {\n var out = this.options.highlight(_code, lang);\n\n if (out != null && out !== _code) {\n escaped = true;\n _code = out;\n }\n }\n\n if (!lang) {\n return '
' + (escaped ? _code : escape$2(_code, true)) + '
';\n }\n\n return '
' + (escaped ? _code : escape$2(_code, true)) + '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.blockquote = function blockquote(quote) {\n return '
\\n' + quote + '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.html = function html(_html) {\n return _html;\n };\n\n _proto.heading = function heading(text, level, raw, slugger) {\n if (this.options.headerIds) {\n return '' + text + '\\n';\n } // ignore IDs\n\n\n return '' + text + '\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.hr = function hr() {\n return this.options.xhtml ? '
\\n' : '
\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.list = function list(body, ordered, start) {\n var type = ordered ? 'ol' : 'ul',\n startatt = ordered && start !== 1 ? ' start=\"' + start + '\"' : '';\n return '<' + type + startatt + '>\\n' + body + '\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.listitem = function listitem(text) {\n return '
  • ' + text + '
  • \\n';\n };\n\n _proto.checkbox = function checkbox(checked) {\n return ' ';\n };\n\n _proto.paragraph = function paragraph(text) {\n return '

    ' + text + '

    \\n';\n };\n\n _proto.table = function table(header, body) {\n if (body) body = '' + body + '';\n return '\\n' + '\\n' + header + '\\n' + body + '
    \\n';\n };\n\n _proto.tablerow = function tablerow(content) {\n return '\\n' + content + '\\n';\n };\n\n _proto.tablecell = function tablecell(content, flags) {\n var type = flags.header ? 'th' : 'td';\n var tag = flags.align ? '<' + type + ' align=\"' + flags.align + '\">' : '<' + type + '>';\n return tag + content + '\\n';\n };\n\n // span level renderer\n _proto.strong = function strong(text) {\n return '' + text + '';\n };\n\n _proto.em = function em(text) {\n return '' + text + '';\n };\n\n _proto.codespan = function codespan(text) {\n return '' + text + '';\n };\n\n _proto.br = function br() {\n return this.options.xhtml ? '
    ' : '
    ';\n };\n\n _proto.del = function del(text) {\n return '' + text + '';\n };\n\n _proto.link = function link(href, title, text) {\n href = cleanUrl$1(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, href);\n\n if (href === null) {\n return text;\n }\n\n var out = '';\n return out;\n };\n\n _proto.image = function image(href, title, text) {\n href = cleanUrl$1(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, href);\n\n if (href === null) {\n return text;\n }\n\n var out = '\"'' : '>';\n return out;\n };\n\n _proto.text = function text(_text) {\n return _text;\n };\n\n return Renderer;\n }();\n\n /**\n * Slugger generates header id\n */\n var Slugger_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Slugger() {\n this.seen = {};\n }\n /**\n * Convert string to unique id\n */\n\n\n var _proto = Slugger.prototype;\n\n _proto.slug = function slug(value) {\n var slug = value.toLowerCase().trim() // remove html tags\n .replace(/<[!\\/a-z].*?>/ig, '') // remove unwanted chars\n .replace(/[\\u2000-\\u206F\\u2E00-\\u2E7F\\\\'!\"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~]/g, '').replace(/\\s/g, '-');\n\n if (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(slug)) {\n var originalSlug = slug;\n\n do {\n this.seen[originalSlug]++;\n slug = originalSlug + '-' + this.seen[originalSlug];\n } while (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(slug));\n }\n\n this.seen[slug] = 0;\n return slug;\n };\n\n return Slugger;\n }();\n\n var defaults$3 = defaults.defaults;\n var inline$1 = rules.inline;\n var findClosingBracket$1 = helpers.findClosingBracket,\n escape$3 = helpers.escape;\n /**\n * Inline Lexer & Compiler\n */\n\n var InlineLexer_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function InlineLexer(links, options) {\n this.options = options || defaults$3;\n this.links = links;\n this.rules = inline$1.normal;\n this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new Renderer_1();\n this.renderer = this.options.renderer;\n this.renderer.options = this.options;\n\n if (!this.links) {\n throw new Error('Tokens array requires a `links` property.');\n }\n\n if (this.options.pedantic) {\n this.rules = inline$1.pedantic;\n } else if (this.options.gfm) {\n if (this.options.breaks) {\n this.rules = inline$1.breaks;\n } else {\n this.rules = inline$1.gfm;\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * Expose Inline Rules\n */\n\n\n /**\n * Static Lexing/Compiling Method\n */\n InlineLexer.output = function output(src, links, options) {\n var inline = new InlineLexer(links, options);\n return inline.output(src);\n }\n /**\n * Lexing/Compiling\n */\n ;\n\n var _proto = InlineLexer.prototype;\n\n _proto.output = function output(src) {\n var out = '',\n link,\n text,\n href,\n title,\n cap,\n prevCapZero;\n\n while (src) {\n // escape\n if (cap = this.rules.escape.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n out += escape$3(cap[1]);\n continue;\n } // tag\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.tag.exec(src)) {\n if (!this.inLink && /^/i.test(cap[0])) {\n this.inLink = false;\n }\n\n if (!this.inRawBlock && /^<(pre|code|kbd|script)(\\s|>)/i.test(cap[0])) {\n this.inRawBlock = true;\n } else if (this.inRawBlock && /^<\\/(pre|code|kbd|script)(\\s|>)/i.test(cap[0])) {\n this.inRawBlock = false;\n }\n\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n out += this.renderer.html(this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(cap[0]) : escape$3(cap[0]) : cap[0]);\n continue;\n } // link\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.link.exec(src)) {\n var lastParenIndex = findClosingBracket$1(cap[2], '()');\n\n if (lastParenIndex > -1) {\n var start = cap[0].indexOf('!') === 0 ? 5 : 4;\n var linkLen = start + cap[1].length + lastParenIndex;\n cap[2] = cap[2].substring(0, lastParenIndex);\n cap[0] = cap[0].substring(0, linkLen).trim();\n cap[3] = '';\n }\n\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n this.inLink = true;\n href = cap[2];\n\n if (this.options.pedantic) {\n link = /^([^'\"]*[^\\s])\\s+(['\"])(.*)\\2/.exec(href);\n\n if (link) {\n href = link[1];\n title = link[3];\n } else {\n title = '';\n }\n } else {\n title = cap[3] ? cap[3].slice(1, -1) : '';\n }\n\n href = href.trim().replace(/^<([\\s\\S]*)>$/, '$1');\n out += this.outputLink(cap, {\n href: InlineLexer.escapes(href),\n title: InlineLexer.escapes(title)\n });\n this.inLink = false;\n continue;\n } // reflink, nolink\n\n\n if ((cap = this.rules.reflink.exec(src)) || (cap = this.rules.nolink.exec(src))) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n link = (cap[2] || cap[1]).replace(/\\s+/g, ' ');\n link = this.links[link.toLowerCase()];\n\n if (!link || !link.href) {\n out += cap[0].charAt(0);\n src = cap[0].substring(1) + src;\n continue;\n }\n\n this.inLink = true;\n out += this.outputLink(cap, link);\n this.inLink = false;\n continue;\n } // strong\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.strong.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n out += this.renderer.strong(this.output(cap[4] || cap[3] || cap[2] || cap[1]));\n continue;\n } // em\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.em.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n out += this.renderer.em(this.output(cap[6] || cap[5] || cap[4] || cap[3] || cap[2] || cap[1]));\n continue;\n } // code\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.code.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n out += this.renderer.codespan(escape$3(cap[2].trim(), true));\n continue;\n } // br\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.br.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n out += this.renderer.br();\n continue;\n } // del (gfm)\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.del.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n out += this.renderer.del(this.output(cap[1]));\n continue;\n } // autolink\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.autolink.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n\n if (cap[2] === '@') {\n text = escape$3(this.mangle(cap[1]));\n href = 'mailto:' + text;\n } else {\n text = escape$3(cap[1]);\n href = text;\n }\n\n out += this.renderer.link(href, null, text);\n continue;\n } // url (gfm)\n\n\n if (!this.inLink && (cap = this.rules.url.exec(src))) {\n if (cap[2] === '@') {\n text = escape$3(cap[0]);\n href = 'mailto:' + text;\n } else {\n // do extended autolink path validation\n do {\n prevCapZero = cap[0];\n cap[0] = this.rules._backpedal.exec(cap[0])[0];\n } while (prevCapZero !== cap[0]);\n\n text = escape$3(cap[0]);\n\n if (cap[1] === 'www.') {\n href = 'http://' + text;\n } else {\n href = text;\n }\n }\n\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n out += this.renderer.link(href, null, text);\n continue;\n } // text\n\n\n if (cap = this.rules.text.exec(src)) {\n src = src.substring(cap[0].length);\n\n if (this.inRawBlock) {\n out += this.renderer.text(this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(cap[0]) : escape$3(cap[0]) : cap[0]);\n } else {\n out += this.renderer.text(escape$3(this.smartypants(cap[0])));\n }\n\n continue;\n }\n\n if (src) {\n throw new Error('Infinite loop on byte: ' + src.charCodeAt(0));\n }\n }\n\n return out;\n };\n\n InlineLexer.escapes = function escapes(text) {\n return text ? text.replace(InlineLexer.rules._escapes, '$1') : text;\n }\n /**\n * Compile Link\n */\n ;\n\n _proto.outputLink = function outputLink(cap, link) {\n var href = link.href,\n title = link.title ? escape$3(link.title) : null;\n return cap[0].charAt(0) !== '!' ? this.renderer.link(href, title, this.output(cap[1])) : this.renderer.image(href, title, escape$3(cap[1]));\n }\n /**\n * Smartypants Transformations\n */\n ;\n\n _proto.smartypants = function smartypants(text) {\n if (!this.options.smartypants) return text;\n return text // em-dashes\n .replace(/---/g, \"\\u2014\") // en-dashes\n .replace(/--/g, \"\\u2013\") // opening singles\n .replace(/(^|[-\\u2014/(\\[{\"\\s])'/g, \"$1\\u2018\") // closing singles & apostrophes\n .replace(/'/g, \"\\u2019\") // opening doubles\n .replace(/(^|[-\\u2014/(\\[{\\u2018\\s])\"/g, \"$1\\u201C\") // closing doubles\n .replace(/\"/g, \"\\u201D\") // ellipses\n .replace(/\\.{3}/g, \"\\u2026\");\n }\n /**\n * Mangle Links\n */\n ;\n\n _proto.mangle = function mangle(text) {\n if (!this.options.mangle) return text;\n var l = text.length;\n var out = '',\n i = 0,\n ch;\n\n for (; i < l; i++) {\n ch = text.charCodeAt(i);\n\n if (Math.random() > 0.5) {\n ch = 'x' + ch.toString(16);\n }\n\n out += '&#' + ch + ';';\n }\n\n return out;\n };\n\n _createClass(InlineLexer, null, [{\n key: \"rules\",\n get: function get() {\n return inline$1;\n }\n }]);\n\n return InlineLexer;\n }();\n\n /**\n * TextRenderer\n * returns only the textual part of the token\n */\n var TextRenderer_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function TextRenderer() {}\n\n var _proto = TextRenderer.prototype;\n\n // no need for block level renderers\n _proto.strong = function strong(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.em = function em(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.codespan = function codespan(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.del = function del(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.html = function html(text) {\n return text;\n };\n\n _proto.text = function text(_text) {\n return _text;\n };\n\n _proto.link = function link(href, title, text) {\n return '' + text;\n };\n\n _proto.image = function image(href, title, text) {\n return '' + text;\n };\n\n _proto.br = function br() {\n return '';\n };\n\n return TextRenderer;\n }();\n\n var defaults$4 = defaults.defaults;\n var merge$2 = helpers.merge,\n unescape$1 = helpers.unescape;\n /**\n * Parsing & Compiling\n */\n\n var Parser_1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Parser(options) {\n this.tokens = [];\n this.token = null;\n this.options = options || defaults$4;\n this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new Renderer_1();\n this.renderer = this.options.renderer;\n this.renderer.options = this.options;\n this.slugger = new Slugger_1();\n }\n /**\n * Static Parse Method\n */\n\n\n Parser.parse = function parse(tokens, options) {\n var parser = new Parser(options);\n return parser.parse(tokens);\n };\n\n var _proto = Parser.prototype;\n\n /**\n * Parse Loop\n */\n _proto.parse = function parse(tokens) {\n this.inline = new InlineLexer_1(tokens.links, this.options); // use an InlineLexer with a TextRenderer to extract pure text\n\n this.inlineText = new InlineLexer_1(tokens.links, merge$2({}, this.options, {\n renderer: new TextRenderer_1()\n }));\n this.tokens = tokens.reverse();\n var out = '';\n\n while (this.next()) {\n out += this.tok();\n }\n\n return out;\n };\n\n /**\n * Next Token\n */\n _proto.next = function next() {\n this.token = this.tokens.pop();\n return this.token;\n };\n\n /**\n * Preview Next Token\n */\n _proto.peek = function peek() {\n return this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1] || 0;\n };\n\n /**\n * Parse Text Tokens\n */\n _proto.parseText = function parseText() {\n var body = this.token.text;\n\n while (this.peek().type === 'text') {\n body += '\\n' + this.next().text;\n }\n\n return this.inline.output(body);\n };\n\n /**\n * Parse Current Token\n */\n _proto.tok = function tok() {\n var body = '';\n\n switch (this.token.type) {\n case 'space':\n {\n return '';\n }\n\n case 'hr':\n {\n return this.renderer.hr();\n }\n\n case 'heading':\n {\n return this.renderer.heading(this.inline.output(this.token.text), this.token.depth, unescape$1(this.inlineText.output(this.token.text)), this.slugger);\n }\n\n case 'code':\n {\n return this.renderer.code(this.token.text, this.token.lang, this.token.escaped);\n }\n\n case 'table':\n {\n var header = '',\n i,\n row,\n cell,\n j; // header\n\n cell = '';\n\n for (i = 0; i < this.token.header.length; i++) {\n cell += this.renderer.tablecell(this.inline.output(this.token.header[i]), {\n header: true,\n align: this.token.align[i]\n });\n }\n\n header += this.renderer.tablerow(cell);\n\n for (i = 0; i < this.token.cells.length; i++) {\n row = this.token.cells[i];\n cell = '';\n\n for (j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {\n cell += this.renderer.tablecell(this.inline.output(row[j]), {\n header: false,\n align: this.token.align[j]\n });\n }\n\n body += this.renderer.tablerow(cell);\n }\n\n return this.renderer.table(header, body);\n }\n\n case 'blockquote_start':\n {\n body = '';\n\n while (this.next().type !== 'blockquote_end') {\n body += this.tok();\n }\n\n return this.renderer.blockquote(body);\n }\n\n case 'list_start':\n {\n body = '';\n var ordered = this.token.ordered,\n start = this.token.start;\n\n while (this.next().type !== 'list_end') {\n body += this.tok();\n }\n\n return this.renderer.list(body, ordered, start);\n }\n\n case 'list_item_start':\n {\n body = '';\n var loose = this.token.loose;\n var checked = this.token.checked;\n var task = this.token.task;\n\n if (this.token.task) {\n if (loose) {\n if (this.peek().type === 'text') {\n var nextToken = this.peek();\n nextToken.text = this.renderer.checkbox(checked) + ' ' + nextToken.text;\n } else {\n this.tokens.push({\n type: 'text',\n text: this.renderer.checkbox(checked)\n });\n }\n } else {\n body += this.renderer.checkbox(checked);\n }\n }\n\n while (this.next().type !== 'list_item_end') {\n body += !loose && this.token.type === 'text' ? this.parseText() : this.tok();\n }\n\n return this.renderer.listitem(body, task, checked);\n }\n\n case 'html':\n {\n // TODO parse inline content if parameter markdown=1\n return this.renderer.html(this.token.text);\n }\n\n case 'paragraph':\n {\n return this.renderer.paragraph(this.inline.output(this.token.text));\n }\n\n case 'text':\n {\n return this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseText());\n }\n\n default:\n {\n var errMsg = 'Token with \"' + this.token.type + '\" type was not found.';\n\n if (this.options.silent) {\n console.log(errMsg);\n } else {\n throw new Error(errMsg);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n return Parser;\n }();\n\n var merge$3 = helpers.merge,\n checkSanitizeDeprecation$1 = helpers.checkSanitizeDeprecation,\n escape$4 = helpers.escape;\n var getDefaults = defaults.getDefaults,\n changeDefaults = defaults.changeDefaults,\n defaults$5 = defaults.defaults;\n /**\n * Marked\n */\n\n function marked(src, opt, callback) {\n // throw error in case of non string input\n if (typeof src === 'undefined' || src === null) {\n throw new Error('marked(): input parameter is undefined or null');\n }\n\n if (typeof src !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('marked(): input parameter is of type ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(src) + ', string expected');\n }\n\n if (callback || typeof opt === 'function') {\n var _ret = function () {\n if (!callback) {\n callback = opt;\n opt = null;\n }\n\n opt = merge$3({}, marked.defaults, opt || {});\n checkSanitizeDeprecation$1(opt);\n var highlight = opt.highlight;\n var tokens,\n pending,\n i = 0;\n\n try {\n tokens = Lexer_1.lex(src, opt);\n } catch (e) {\n return {\n v: callback(e)\n };\n }\n\n pending = tokens.length;\n\n var done = function done(err) {\n if (err) {\n opt.highlight = highlight;\n return callback(err);\n }\n\n var out;\n\n try {\n out = Parser_1.parse(tokens, opt);\n } catch (e) {\n err = e;\n }\n\n opt.highlight = highlight;\n return err ? callback(err) : callback(null, out);\n };\n\n if (!highlight || highlight.length < 3) {\n return {\n v: done()\n };\n }\n\n delete opt.highlight;\n if (!pending) return {\n v: done()\n };\n\n for (; i < tokens.length; i++) {\n (function (token) {\n if (token.type !== 'code') {\n return --pending || done();\n }\n\n return highlight(token.text, token.lang, function (err, code) {\n if (err) return done(err);\n\n if (code == null || code === token.text) {\n return --pending || done();\n }\n\n token.text = code;\n token.escaped = true;\n --pending || done();\n });\n })(tokens[i]);\n }\n\n return {\n v: void 0\n };\n }();\n\n if (typeof _ret === \"object\") return _ret.v;\n }\n\n try {\n opt = merge$3({}, marked.defaults, opt || {});\n checkSanitizeDeprecation$1(opt);\n return Parser_1.parse(Lexer_1.lex(src, opt), opt);\n } catch (e) {\n e.message += '\\nPlease report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.';\n\n if ((opt || marked.defaults).silent) {\n return '

    An error occurred:

    ' + escape$4(e.message + '', true) + '
    ';\n }\n\n throw e;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Options\n */\n\n\n marked.options = marked.setOptions = function (opt) {\n merge$3(marked.defaults, opt);\n changeDefaults(marked.defaults);\n return marked;\n };\n\n marked.getDefaults = getDefaults;\n marked.defaults = defaults$5;\n /**\n * Expose\n */\n\n marked.Parser = Parser_1;\n marked.parser = Parser_1.parse;\n marked.Renderer = Renderer_1;\n marked.TextRenderer = TextRenderer_1;\n marked.Lexer = Lexer_1;\n marked.lexer = Lexer_1.lex;\n marked.InlineLexer = InlineLexer_1;\n marked.inlineLexer = InlineLexer_1.output;\n marked.Slugger = Slugger_1;\n marked.parse = marked;\n var marked_1 = marked;\n\n return marked_1;\n\n})));\n"],"sourceRoot":""}